Thursday, February 24, 2011

A post in which I plan and promise...

Well, as the column to the right of the blog suggests, I am (in a very Julie & Julia fashion) attempting to read through all of Jane Austen's major novels, in the order of their publication. I know that this is a perilous activity, and that by doing so I will grow even more addicted to her novels. I also know that it will be hard, but the added motivation to get a good grade on this project will be my motivation.

As I said previously, I am reading them in the order of publication. This means that I will read them as follows:
  • Sense and Sensibility
  • Pride and Prejudice
  • Mansfield Park
  • Emma
  • Northanger Abbey
  • Persuasion
I am a devoted Janeite, so I am already well acquainted with these stories. I hope that by the end, I will have a better appreciation for the characters, and the society in which they lived. I hope that by the end, my books are so worn that I have to go out an buy new copies of her books! (I absolutely love collecting editions of her books. Don't let me near a used book shop!) I believe that Jane Austen is an author of worth, and I hope that I can show this as I read and comment here on the blog. I hope to make it less monotonous by using some of my Austen audiobooks to mix things up when the reading gets tough. I have one that I am going to use at least for Mansfield Park, because I like the quality. I also intend to start every post with a quotation. Well, I have already started on Sense and Sensibility, so expect the first report soon!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Sounds amazing! I'll follow you as best I can! If I remember!

