I admit that I have been feeling like this a little bit lately; though not neccessarily because of the project. It seems that the February blahs came a little late for me. Maybe I suffer from that sunlight deficency syndrome. It has been gray and rainy a lot recently.
I will finish reading Emma tonight. I am only about five chapters from finishing.
While reading, I have noticed the following:
- The chapters in Emma vary greatly in length. Some can take about 4 minutes to read at a resonable pace. Others, can take about 25-30 minutes. It is really odd, and I have to wonder why it is written in spirts like that. Perhaps Jane wrote when the inspiration hit, and inspiration hit her harder at some times.
- There is a large contrast between the accomplishments and talents of Jane Fairfax and Emma.
- Emma is a very bad matchmaker.
- Mr Knightley is an awesome hero. He is smart, and caring. He respects societies norms, but befriends people from all levels of society. He loves Emma. He loves her enough to give her constructive critisism. He loves her for who she is, but loves her too much to let her stay as she is.
Well, tomorrow will yield Northanger Abbey. I really like this one. Perhaps that is because Austen wrote it when she was much younger, and the heroine is my age. It is Austen's gothic romance, and teenage sensibilities are still at work in me. And, Mr Tilney is a dream.
"He loves her for who she is, but loves her too much to let her stay as she is." Sounds like the Lord. He does that, too. Love you! Mom